NCERT Chemistry class 12
- Posted by Chemistry instructor
- Categories CBSE boards
- Date June 16, 2022
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NCERT Chemistry Class 12
NCERT chemistry class 12 is a basic book for preparing CBSE exam, any state board exam, IIT JEE exam, NEET-UG exam, or any other equivalent examination. NCERT chemistry class 12 is drafted by the faculty at Myetutors to help students learn all complex concepts with ease. Each and every question from the NCERT to the textbook is answered to help students understand the core concept. NCERT solutions are tailored to make it easier for the student to complete the syllabus before the commencement of exams.
Various study materials are available for NCERT Chemistry class 12 but it is important for the student to understand their needs and use the material accordingly. We at Myetutors drafted the NCERT Chemistry class 12 course as per the latest syllabus of CBSE boards.
Students can access the chapter-wise NCERT Chemistry class 12 notes, solutions, and practice tests from the link provided below. Above this students can clear their doubts in the weekly sessions available by a faculty
Table of Contents:
NCERT Chemistry Class 12 syllabus for the academic year 2023-2024.
- NCERT Chemistry Class 12 Curriculum
- Chapter 1 Solutions
- Chapter 2 Electrochemistry
- Chapter 3 Chemical Kinetics
- Chapter 4 d & f block Elements
- Chapter 5 Coordinate compounds
- Chapter 6 Haloalhanes and Halo arenes
- Chapter 7 Alcohols, Phenols, and ethers
- Chapter 8 Aldehyde, Ketones
- Chapter 9 Amines
- Chapter 10 Biomolecules
Chemistry Syllabus academic year 2023-2024
Chemistry Syllabus 2023-2024
NCERT Chapter details
Chapter 2: Solutions
This chapter deals with the concept of concentrations in the solutions. The solution is a mixture of a solute and solvent. A student is expected to earn ways of expressing the concentration of solutions (viz percentage mass, percentage volume, percentage strength, Normality, Molarity, Molality, mole fraction), Solubility of gases (Henry’s Law), Vapor pressure of solution (Raoult’s Law), Deviation from Raoult’s Law, Azeotropes, Colligative properties of solution (Viz. Relative lowering in vapor pressure, Elevation in boiling point, Depression in freezing point, Osmotic pressure), Abnormal molecular mass (Vant Hoff’s factor)
To strengthen the NCERT Chemistry Class 12 Solutions Chapter problem solving is not only necessary for the CBSE Boards examination but they are also crucial for IIT-JEE (mains) and NEET-UG exam.
Access the following resources Class 12 Chapter 1 Solutions at Myetutors
Chapter 3: Electrochemistry
This chapter deals with the chemical processes in which chemical energy is converted into electrical energy or electrical energy is converted into chemical energy. A student is expected to learn Redox reactions, EMF of a cell, standard electrode potential, Nernst equation and its application to chemical cells, Relation between Gibbs energy change and EMF of a cell, conductance in electrolytic solutions, specific and molar conductivity, variations of conductivity with concentration, Kohlrausch’s Law, electrolysis, and the law of electrolysis (elementary idea), dry cell-electrolytic cells and Galvanic cells, lead accumulator, fuel cells, corrosion.
To strengthen the NCERT Chemistry class 12 electrochemistry chapter problem solving is not only necessary for the CBSE Board examination but the concepts are also crucial for IIT-JEE (mains) and NEET-UG examinations.
Access the following resources Class 12 chapter 3 Electrochemistry at Myetutors
Chapter 4: Chemical Kinetics
This chapter deals with the chemical processes in which the rate of reaction alters with time or it is the study of the chemical processes with time. A student is expected to learn the rate of a reaction (Average and instantaneous), factors affecting the rate of reaction: concentration, temperature, catalyst; order and molecularity of a reaction, rate law and specific rate constant, integrated rate equations, and half-life (only for zero and first-order reactions), the concept of collision theory (elementary idea, no mathematical treatment), activation energy, Arrhenius equation.
To strengthen the NCERT Chemistry class 12 Chemical Kinetics chapter problem solving is not only necessary for the CBSE Board examination but the concepts are also crucial for IIT-JEE (mains) and NEET-UG examinations.
Access the following resources Class 12 chapter 4 Chemical Kinetics at Myetutors
Chapter 8: d & f Block Elements
This chapter deals with the physical properties, and chemical properties of important compounds of transition and inner transition metals. A student is expected to learn General introduction, electronic configuration, occurrence and characteristics of transition metals, general trends in properties of the first-row transition metals – metallic character, ionization enthalpy, oxidation states, ionic radii, color, catalytic property, magnetic properties, interstitial compounds, alloy formation, preparation and properties of K2Cr2O7 and KMnO4.
Lanthanoids – Electronic configuration, oxidation states, chemical reactivity, and lanthanoid contraction and its consequences.
Actinoids – Electronic configuration, oxidation states, and comparison with lanthanoids.
To strengthen the NCERT Chemistry class 12 d & F Block elements chapter conceptual understanding is not only necessary for the CBSE Board examination but the concepts are also crucial for IIT-JEE (mains) and NEET-UG examinations.
Access the following resources Class 12 chapter 8 d & f Block elements at Myetutors
Chapter 9: Coordinate Compounds
This chapter deals with the compounds involving dative or coordinate bonding. Coordinate bonding involves sharing of pair(s) of electrons by the joining atoms. A student is expected to learn Coordination compounds – Introduction, ligands, coordination number, color, magnetic properties and shapes, and IUPAC nomenclature of mononuclear coordination compounds. Bonding, Werner’s theory, VBT, and CFT; structure and stereoisomerism, the importance of coordination compounds (in qualitative analysis, extraction of metals, and biological system).
To strengthen the NCERT Chemistry class 12 Coordinate Compounds chapter conceptual understanding is not only necessary for the CBSE Board examination but the concepts are also crucial for IIT-JEE (mains) and NEET-UG examinations.
Access the following resources Class 12 chapter 9 Coordinate Compounds at Myetutors
Chapter 10: Haloalkanes & Haloarenes
This chapter deals with the compounds involving halogens bonded to the carbon chain. The chapter includes reactions involving the preparation, physical properties, and chemical properties of halogen derivatives. A student is expected to learn Haloalkanes: Nomenclature, nature of C–X bond, physical and chemical properties, and optical rotation mechanism of substitution reactions.
Haloarenes: Nature of C–X bond, substitution reactions (Directive influence of halogen in monosubstituted compounds only). Uses and environmental effects of – dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT.
To strengthen NCERT Chemistry class 12 the Haloalkanes & Haloarenes chapter conceptual understanding and practice are not only necessary for the CBSE Board examination but the concepts are also crucial for IIT-JEE (mains) and NEET-UG examinations.
Access the following resources Class 12 chapter 10 Haloalkanes & Haloarenes at Myetutors
Chapter 11: Alcohols, Phenols, and Ether
This chapter deals with the compounds involving oxygen bonded to the carbon chain. The chapter includes reactions involving the preparation, physical properties, and chemical properties of hydroxyl derivatives. A student is expected to learn Alcohols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties (of primary alcohols only), identification of primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols, mechanism of dehydration, and uses with special reference to methanol and ethanol.
Phenols: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, acidic nature of phenol, electrophilic substitution reactions, uses of phenols.
Ethers: Nomenclature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, uses.
To strengthen the NCERT Chemistry class 12 Alcohols, Phenols, and ethers chapter conceptual understanding and practice are not only necessary for the CBSE Board examination but the concepts are also crucial for IIT-JEE (mains) and NEET-UG examinations.
Access the following resources Class 12 chapter 11 Alcohols, Phenols, and ethers at Myetutors
Chapter 12: Aldehydes, Ketones Carboxylic acid, and derivatives
This chapter deals with the compounds involving oxygen multiply bonded to the carbon atom in the carbon chain. The chapter includes reactions involving the preparation, physical properties, and chemical properties of carbonyl derivatives. A student is expected to learn Aldehydes and Ketones: Nomenclature, nature of carbonyl group, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties, mechanism of nucleophilic addition, the reactivity of alpha hydrogen in aldehydes, and uses.
Carboxylic Acids: Nomenclature, acidic nature, methods of preparation, physical and chemical properties; uses.
To strengthen the NCERT Chemistry class 12 Aldehyde, Ketone carboxylic acid, and derivatives chapter conceptual understanding and practice are not only necessary for the CBSE Board examination but the concepts are also crucial for IIT-JEE (mains) and NEET-UG examinations.
Access the following resources Class 12 chapter 12 Aldehyde, Ketone carboxylic acid and derivatives at Myetutors
Chapter 13: Amines
This chapter deals with the compounds involving nitrogen bonded to the carbon atom in the carbon chain. The chapter includes reactions involving the preparation, physical properties, and chemical properties of amines. A student is expected to learn Amines: Nomenclature, classification, structure, methods of preparation, physical and
chemical properties use and identification of primary, secondary, and tertiary amines.
Diazonium salts: Preparation, chemical reactions, and importance in synthetic organic chemistry.
To strengthen the NCERT Chemistry class 12 amines chapter conceptual understanding and practice are not only necessary for the CBSE Board examination but the concepts are also crucial for IIT-JEE (mains) and NEET-UG examinations.
Access the following resources Class 12 chapter 13 Amines at Myetutors
Chapter 14: Biomolecules
This chapter deals with the compounds occurring in living organisms. The chapter includes an understanding of the occurrence of natural products viz. carbohydrates, Amino acids, vitamins nucleotides, and Enzymes. A student is expected to learn Carbohydrates – Classification (aldoses and ketoses), monosaccharides (glucose and fructose), D-L configuration oligosaccharides (sucrose, lactose, maltose), polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen); Importance of carbohydrates.
Proteins -Elementary idea of – amino acids, peptide bond, polypeptides, proteins, the structure of proteins – primary, secondary, tertiary structure and quaternary structures (qualitative idea only), denaturation of proteins; enzymes. Hormones – Elementary idea excluding structure.
Vitamins – Classification and functions.
Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA.
To strengthen the NCERT Chemistry class 12 Biomolecules chapter conceptual understanding and practice are not only necessary for the CBSE Board examination but the concepts are also crucial for IIT-JEE (mains) and NEET-UG examinations.
Access the following resources Class 12 chapter 14 Biomolecules at Myetutors
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B.Sc (honors) Chemistry, M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry), Gold Medalist from Gujarat University Ahmedabad. Passionate educator, helping aspirants for IIT-JEE, NEET-UG, AP-Chemistry, IB-HL Chemistry, BIT-SAT, CBSE, and ICSE to achieve their ambitions